The leading Disney animation of last years, ‘Frozen’, does not lose its fame among little girls. Stunning Elsa, buried in herself and her younger sister Anna, welcoming everyone with a positive attitude, can be your daughter’s companions.

Thanks to what? The current trends in interior arrangement let it come true!

Flows in the universe of interior design are evolving like in a kaleidoscope. Each year, the Pantone Institute chooses the new, most fashionable color, and the best global designers push fresh interior design currents. For lovers of pleasing space it is a real treat! It is as well nice to observe the changes happening and to fish among them the most precious pearls, according to your own taste and sense of style. It is not difficult to spot that interior modifications affect both “adult” arrangements and kids’ rooms. Toddlers are constantly growing and developing, requiring new stimuli and many sources of inspiration. It is worth inserting little seasonal modifications into the children’s space, which would be not only a salute to the recent flows, but also a relevant component that influences the imagination and creative activity of the kid. Wall stickers are an idea for all those who enjoy when something interesting is going on inside.
In addition, the choice displayed by stores with wall ornaments is so enormous that we can encounter a product in any topic, pattern, color… or we can even design something following our own fantasy. Nothing, therefore, stops Disney murals from being introduced the surfaces of your child’s room.