Fashion in interior design changes really fast. You gotta be very passionate about this field to go on with it. Or work as a interior designer. I don’t. I have changed the interior of my home a many months ago. I clearly remember that back then it was attractive to have painted walls. My designer managed to convince back then to remove all wallpapers from my apartment and to replace it with paint. I liked it due to the fact I didn’t have to do it by myself – I hired workers. Therefore I have agreed on the idea of the atchitect, and painted my walls.
A while ago I was hoping to redecorate my flat again. My sons got older and I had to modify the décor of their room so it can be more suitable for them. I hired the architect and after the conversation we had it turned out that, amazingly, wallpapers are trendy and really famous again. These days, wallpapers present themselves a little different. Last wallpapers I used for the walls were mostly plain, have no patterns or only very tiny and repetitive ones. That was nice but nothing highly original – . It might be a reason why I got so excited when the designer presented me wallpapers he decided to use in my children rooms. Unlike wallpapers I had before, these ones had marvellous big patterns on that. As a matter of fact, that was more similar to an amazing, very good quality photos, extremely realistic ones. Because of my designer’ suggestions, I decided to use these wallpapers in my children’ rooms.

My older son is a huge lover of nature. He loves walking in forests, staying close to nature and so on. Thus, we decided to ude the forest wallpaper in his room. That wallpaper looks so realistic that you could actually feel like you are in forest!
My younger son is fan of hip hop music. He likes skateboarding and loves graffiti. So, the choice was easy in his case. We chose graffiti wallpaper. When he saw it he was highly grateful for it. All those patterns look so realistic as it was real, good quality graffiti on the walls.
As a result of redecorating my kids’ rooms’, I realized that wallpapers don’t necessarily
have to be boring as it was often the case before.
have to be boring as it was often the case before.